Despite one of the worst winters for many years the Percy Hunt enjoyed a good season. It says an awful lot about our Masters, committee, farmers and landowners that despite the terrible weather we managed to keep getting out. We once again did ninety days, only losing one day where I was laid low with the dreaded flu. Due to the wet and snow we did about seven days on foot.

We had a very good Autumn trail hunting, three of the best mornings we had were from South Bells Hill, Tuggle Farm and New Shoreston. We had our opening Meet on 27 October at Chatton Fish Ponds by kind invitation of the Brown family. We had a very good day for an opening meet day. Other good days of note were from the Blink Bonny, Newham Bog, Quarry House, Percy Arms, Alnwick Castle, Elwick and the Pack Horse.

I was very pleased with all our hounds, the young entry all entered very well. The Best Working young hounds were both walked by Billy Crole, Arcade is the dog by our stallion hound, Woolem and Claret is the bitch by our stallion hound, Spitfire. Billy has now walked seventy five pups for the Percy Hunt.

As always it was a massive team effort at the kennels, Donna Cowens has taken over as our Stud Groom and has done a tremendous job. Within a month of her arrival the two new horses had been whipped in off and I hunted hounds from them. The whole stable yard and tack room is spotless and as I write this has already been painted from top to bottom.

Once again our whipper in Robert Truscott did a tremendous job both at home and in the hunting field. Also a big thank you to our amateur whipper in Allan Morris for all his help.

Stephen McCarthy was our main trail layer all season only missing three days all season. He also does an awful lot at the kennels on non hunting days so all thanks to him.

Ali Grey once again supplied us with oat straw for the hounds bedding which is a big help. Also a big thanks to Jimmy Robson, Aimee Straughan, Chris Newlands, Alistair Parkin, Kevin Truscott, Phillip McCarthy, Emma Howie, Lizzie Howie, Lance Green, Ben Lambert and Rebecca Connor for all their help at the kennels this winter.

Also thanks to Andrew Mattison, Robert Dobson and Neil Potts for their help in the country.

We entered twelve and a half couple of pups last year (Autumn 2012) and we have fourteen couple to enter this year so we will not be breeding too many this summer. We have a litter of nine out at walk at the moment by Woolem out of Alaska and one of our older bitches Porridge has three whelps on her at the minute that are also by Woolem. We have one more bitch to whelp, Poem that are by Spitfire.

The hounds are being walked out twice a day at the moment. We will start hound exercise on bikes on 22 April and will start on horses on 19 August. Anyone wishing to come and join us is more than welcome, please contact me at the kennels.

The Pre Puppy Show is at the kennels on Tues 02 July (TBC) at 6.30pm. The Puppy Show is the 27 July at the kennels, I look forward to seeing you all there.

Once again we will be showing at all the Shows, dates and reports will be posted on the website.

I would also like to thank the Percy Hunt Supporters Club for their continued support at the kennels. Over the last twelve months they have very kindly replaced the hunt pick up and bought a new quad trailer. A very big thanks to them.

Good Hunting

Robert McCarthy